AI-powered innovation
for a clean, secure,
energy transition

Innovators in Nuclear Regulatory Navigation

At Atomic Canyon, we modernize nuclear regulatory navigation with Neutron, an advanced AI search application trained on 52 million pages of documents from publicly accessible Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) data.

As your strategic knowledge navigator, Neutron efficiently transforms your search approach to pages of nuclear documentation and compliance while providing a secure and safe user experience.

The Advanced Productivity Tool:
The bridge to a reliable, safe, nuclear power plant

The Challenge

Modernizing Access to
Regulatory Data

Nuclear power plants face the challenge of modernizing access to vital information from the NRC's ADAMS database for tasks like permitting, licensing, re-licensing, inspection and audits. Outdated tools prolong search processes, contributing to a culture of manual work.

The Solution

Neutron - Advanced AI to
Address Inefficiencies

Neutron, a free and cutting-edge AI tool, revolutionizes regulatory processes. Using next-gen AI, it comprehensively analyzes and indexes ADAMS NRC documents, enabling efficient navigation, cost savings and collaborative efforts in a secure environment.

The Innovative Formula

Superhuman vision
reads any document +
Superhuman memory
stores it all =
Neutron's Magic—unlocking swift
search for nuclear navigation
Superhuman vision
reads any document +

  • Fortified, Futuristic & Free

    Explore the cutting-edge power of Neutron's next-generation technology, safely hosted on Atomic Canyon's cloud—no charge.

  • AI-Powered Precision

    Optimize data management for improved performance with advanced search capabilities.

    Efficiency and innovation converge with Neutron.

  • Cost Savings & Operational Excellence

    Unlock cost savings and invest in a streamlined playbook for an efficient regulatory journey.

Empower Nuclear Innovation with our Next-Generation AI

Neutron seamlessly and securely integrates with your existing systems, fostering collaboration for an agile and innovative future. Each success at a power plant becomes a collective leap for the entire sector.